Picture of Solita's House

Solita's House

Solita's House is a 501(c)(3) agency.


Sashadee, a single mom of seven children began counseling. During their first session, the client and counselor reviewed her financial situation. She has a steady job and savings of  $5000.00. She is considered a successful story because of her credit scores increase.  

The changes happened as follows:  

From TransUnion, the credit score in her first appointment was 619, increased to 659 in August, then to  688 in our last session from November.  

From Equifax, the credit score increased from 634 to 690 in August, then to 691 since the last session in  November.  

Credit card utilization was 61%, updated to 66% in August, then dropped to 36% in November  Payment history was 92%, updated to 93%, and continues steady in November.  

The client had 2 collections in the initial appointment, to where she paid her collections in the  November session.  

Sashadee made a great effort paying her collections and bringing down her credit card utilization.  She did use some of her savings to reach her financial goal, even though her credit score is not in the  ideal bracket, she is in the right path for success.  

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